




What do you want to be?


Believe it or not, the choice is yours.




If you are overweight you are not alone. You're not even in a minority. You are a part of a growing problem that affects the majority of people in this country.

The reasons for this are very complex and their probably not even your fault. But you have to live with the consequences.

Diets -despite what you are being constantly told- are not the answer. If they were there would be no worldwide obeisity problem.

What is needed is a different approach. Different ideas and actions that will get you different results.

The idea of losing weight is simple. 

Eat less and move more. 

A simple idea but it's not easy to carry out. But if we all know this is what it takes to lose weight then why don't we just do it? That's the hard bit, doing what we know we should do.

Fortunately that is what I can help you with. I can give you a whole new approach that will enable you to deal with the real problems of losing weight.

Through individual sessions or as part of a group program , you can learn how to deal with the real problems and get your weight back under control. You will also find that when you get your weight under control it will give you a much greater control over other areas of your life.

It's not just about how big you are, it's really about who you are. Being overweight not only gives you the increased chances of illness and a shorter life span it stops you from making the most of who you really could be. Don't let being overweight rob you of what should be.

Get in touch for a free no obligation chat to see just how you can ditch the excess flab and all the issues that go along with it. Wouldn't it just be great to live as you want to free from that burden. Just think what that would mean to you.

Make the choice, take the chance

Give me a call or send an email.

You have nothing to lose by finding out, except the fat.


Call me on 07909994987

Or email  david @nodiets.co.uk.





















A new ten week group program is now available to join.



You can now take advantage of the distance program.

A program will be tailored to your individual needs and conducted over the phone and internet.


Use the contact details above for further information.








Slimming naturally